You know all those things you wanted to do? You should go do them.

The average person will spend 90,000 hours at work.

It’s true, many of us spend more time working than we do in any other sphere of our lives. Why not make your job an important vehicle for personal growth and transformation? My unique approach blends life and executive coaching tools with contemplative practices designed to help you create meaning in the everyday, and ignite a passion to live your purpose

If you miss the present moment, you miss your appointment with life.’— Thich Nhat Hanh

The Work.



Are you scaling an organization, initiative or company? Are you building a new team, processes or systems? I can help you reverse-engineer from where you want to be to where you are now and define every step in between.

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Are you entering a new stage in your life or career? Do you have a new role, leadership or organizational structure? Has your company or organization merged with another? I can help you develop the tools to manage the emotions, stress and opportunity that often comes with change.

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Are you leading or managing through a significant personal or professional crisis? Are you being asked to do more with less? Is your company, organization or initiative facing a layoff? I can help you provide the support and guidance to manage the loss and create the momentum for the pivot.

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Christine has been a critical sounding board over the last year as I led through a series of firsts as a still-new executive--all while navigating a global pandemic that changed everything about the ways in which we work and live. Her understanding of nonprofit management was invaluable as I worked with my board to finalize our inaugural strategic plan and implement new board governance policies. Her deep experience with organizational change informed our conversations about how to manage both a brand relaunch and resulting shifts to organizational structure and culture. Through it all, she supported me in identifying ways in which to lead more authentically, to better integrate my work into my life, and to get more comfortable managing conflict. Working with Christine helped me not only to lead but to grow through crisis.’

— Kami E. Geoffray, JD, Chief Executive Officer, Every Body Texas 

Get started with Christine, today.