A Partner in the Climb.



Coaching is a developmental process that gives you structured support and guidance while working to achieve a specific personal or professional result or goal. I coach clients in a variety of verticals and sectors, working closely with you to accommodate your budget and schedule.

Strategic Planning

I will help you create a ‘North Star’ for your business or organization by assessing both where you are and where you’re going. The strategic plan gives you a place to establish and examine your mission, vision, and values, as well as your long-term goals and the action plans you’ll use to achieve them.

Meeting Facilitation

By engaging me as your meeting facilitator, you will move from hoping for a productive meeting to knowing that your time will be free of distraction and dysfunction. You will enjoy higher meeting productivity, and your group will reach meaningful decisions more efficiently and effectively.

Organizational Design

Organizational design borrows from the design thinking toolkit, chiefly: empathy, systems thinking, co-creation, and experimentation. Through iterative design cycles, I will work closely with your teams, to identify opportunities for improvement and test the fit for potential new ways of working.


As a single mom, running a company with the ambition to start-up yet another, I realized it wasn't going to happen unless I had some significant support and guidance.  

I began working with Christine shortly before I might have given up, and we had some intense work to do at the start. It was hard work. I needed to look inward in a deep way that I had been avoiding all of my life. But she guided me through it, and, over the past two years, she has been the calm but firm voice that has seen me through a company conversion, a successful investment round for the new company, a leadership change for my first company, and even a new pattern of self care that I now know to be critical to my success. 

— Sarah Evans, JD, CEO, Well Beyond/Founder, Well Aware

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.